Responsible: Amaya Sport, SL, with NIF: B31149453, Postal address in Pol. Ind. Talluntxe, Calle A, Naves 16 a 20, 31110, Noain (Navarra, España), telephone (+34) 948 317 162 and Email
Purpose: 1. Manage and respond to your requests for information and / or inquiries, 2. Manage the delivery of the information you request and, where appropriate, provide product offers. and / or services of Amaya Sport, SL in which they have expressed their interest.
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Recipients: The data is not transferred to third parties except to the transport company responsible for sending your order and in cases where there is a legal obligation.
Rights: to obtain confirmation on whether Amaya Sport, SL is treating your personal data, and therefore has the right to access these, correct inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer needed.
';var privacyItExpress='Responsible: Amaya Sport, SL, with NIF: B31149453, Postal address in Pol. Ind. Talluntxe, Calle A, Naves 16 a 20, 31110, Noain (Navarra, España), telephone (+34) 948 317 162 and Email
Purpose: 1. Manage and respond to your requests for information and / or inquiries, 2. Manage the delivery of the information you request and, where appropriate, provide product offers. and / or services of Amaya Sport, SL in which they have expressed their interest, 3. Manage the subscription and the sending of our newsletter and commercial communications and 4. Manage the purchases made on this website and the remission of orders.
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Recipients: The data is not transferred to third parties except to the transport company responsible for sending your order and in cases where there is a legal obligation.
Rights: to obtain confirmation on whether Amaya Sport, SL is treating your personal data, and therefore has the right to access these, correct inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer needed.
';var privacyItNews='Responsible: Amaya Sport, SL, with NIF: B31149453, Postal address in Pol. Ind. Talluntxe, Calle A, Naves 16 a 20, 31110, Noain (Navarra, España), telephone (+34) 948 317 162 and Email
Purpose: 1. Manage and respond to your requests for information and / or inquiries, 2. Manage the delivery of the information you request and, where appropriate, provide product offers. and / or services of Amaya Sport, SL in which they have expressed their interest and 3. Manage the subscription and the sending of our newsletter and commercial communications.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party
Recipients: The data is not transferred to third parties except to the transport company responsible for sending your order and in cases where there is a legal obligation.
Rights: to obtain confirmation on whether Amaya Sport, SL is treating your personal data, and therefore has the right to access these, correct inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer needed.
';var privacyItProduct='Responsible: Amaya Sport, SL, with NIF: B31149453, Postal address in Pol. Ind. Talluntxe, Calle A, Naves 16 a 20, 31110, Noain (Navarra, España), telephone (+34) 948 317 162 and Email
Purpose: 1. Manage and respond to your requests for information and / or inquiries, 2. Manage the delivery of the information you request and, where appropriate, provide product offers. and / or services of Amaya Sport, SL in which they have expressed their interest, 3. Manage the subscription and the sending of our newsletter and commercial communications and 4. Manage the purchases made on this website and the remission of orders.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party
Recipients: The data is not transferred to third parties except to the transport company responsible for sending your order and in cases where there is a legal obligation.
Rights: to obtain confirmation on whether Amaya Sport, SL is treating your personal data, and therefore has the right to access these, correct inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer needed.
';var privacyItRefunds='';var privacyItRegister='Responsible: Amaya Sport, SL, with NIF: B31149453, Postal address in Pol. Ind. Talluntxe, Calle A, Naves 16 a 20, 31110, Noain (Navarra, España), telephone (+34) 948 317 162 and Email
Purpose: 1. Manage and respond to your requests for information and / or inquiries, 2. Manage the delivery of the information you request and, where appropriate, provide product offers. and / or services of Amaya Sport, SL in which they have expressed their interest, 3. Manage the subscription and the sending of our newsletter and commercial communications and 4. Manage the purchases made on this website and the remission of orders.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party
Recipients: The data is not transferred to third parties except to the transport company responsible for sending your order and in cases where there is a legal obligation.
Rights: to obtain confirmation on whether Amaya Sport, SL is treating your personal data, and therefore has the right to access these, correct inaccurate data or request their deletion when they are no longer needed.
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Plyo jump box made of non-slip wood