Set of 6 pieces. Made of semi-soft thermoplastic, non-slipping and different shapes: Round, square, diamond and hexagon. Set of 6 pieces. Made of semi-soft...
30 years ago we brought to the market the first balance corridor in the world. After its success, our company has always become a... 30 years ago we brought to the market...
The most complete and functional balance board, which allows you to swing from side to side safely thanks to the non-slip hexagons of the... The most complete and functional...
Set: 4 domes of different sizes. Made of polyethylene with non-slipping base. Set: 4 domes of different sizes. Made...
Balancing and learning game that offers numerous combinations. Balancing and learning game that...
Balancing and learning game that offers numerous combinations. Balancing and learning game that...
Through an easy-to-handle connector system the children can create countless tours while developing their motor skills Through an easy-to-handle connector...
Set of 8 Stones. Made of soft and non-slip thermoplastic. Set of 8 Stones. Made of soft and...
Made of non-slip semi soft techno-rubber.Set 6 pieces. Diameter: 15 cm. Height: 7,50 cm. Weight: 300 g. Made of non-slip semi soft...
Set of 4 pieces. Made of semi-soft thermoplastic, non-slipping. Set of 4 pieces. Made of semi-soft...
Set of 4 pieces. Made of semi-soft thermoplastic, non-slipping and different shapes: Round, square, diamond and hexagon. Set of 4 pieces. Made of semi-soft...
Motor developement center Motor developement center
Straight Semicircular Pathway Straight Semicircular Pathway
Curved Semicircular Pathway Curved Semicircular Pathway
High Stilts .Length 1,50 Mt. High Stilts .Length 1,50 Mt.
High Wood Stilts. Length 1,50 Mt. High Wood Stilts. Length 1,50 Mt.
Foam Soft Play Balance ShapesSet of 4 Foam Soft Play Balance ShapesSet of 4
Piece to connect straight and curved pathways Piece to connect straight and curved...
Piece to connect semicircular pathways Piece to connect semicircular pathways
Non-slip finishing piece for pathways Set of 2 Non-slip finishing piece for...
These bases feature a liquid ceramic surface designed for fun and interactivity. The dynamic colours and fluid movement of the liquid... These bases feature a liquid ceramic...
These bases feature a liquid ceramic surface that adds fun and interactivity. The vibrant colours and fluid movement of the liquid... These bases feature a liquid ceramic...
These colourful LED stepping stones light up with multiple tones each time they are stepped on, creating a fun and interactive play... These colourful LED stepping stones...
This innovative LED balance beam lights up with vibrant multicoloured colours with every step, adding excitement and dynamism to... This innovative LED balance beam...
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Copyright © 2025 Amaya Sport, SL
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada por el gobierno de Navarra y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo regional (40%) a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 2021-2027 de Navarra
Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2020 de ayudas a proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo I+D 2020.
Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2019 de ayudas a la inversión en pymes industriales.
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda del Gobierno de Navarra en virtud de la convocatoria de 2021 de “Fomento de la Empresa Digital de Navarra".Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2022 de ayudas a la inversión en pymes industriales.