More than 5 decades of experience with permanent research and development of new articles for sports and for the motor development of the child, in a constant attempt to anticipate the needs of children and youth.
The quality of European raw materials together with the incorporation of the latest developments and technological advances in machinery, make the difference in quality.
We offer a new generation of plastic mixtures of the highest quality that improve the performance of our traditional manufactured products obtaining an unbeatable value for money.
AMAYA SPORT guarantees that all its manufactured products are subjected to rigorous quality controls, both in the analysis of raw materials and in the processes of production, handling and packaging.
All our manufactured ones comply with the European Normative of the Toy EN-71, that contemplates the safety in the toy with respect to:
Raw materials: PE, PP, EVA, PU, ABS, RIGID PVC and FLEXIBLE PVC, and new generation thermoplastics.
Colorants and inks are suitable for the toy. Articles for children under 3 comply with the new European Commission regulation for the year 2007 of non-use of phthalates.
And as such it is:
Company adhering to the Code of Good Work Practices of the International Toy Council (ICTI)
Company adhering to the ICTI CARE Determined Date program
Company adhered to the Code of Ethics for Children's Advertising of Toys
Company committed to the mission of the toy sector, which is to be a responsible and strategic sector, recognized for its commitment to security and quality of its product and the vital importance of this in the physical, emotional, psychological and social development of people.
The products manufactured by Amaya Sport are certified by the FIG, thus we guarantee its quality and homologation for the practice of the different disciplines.
We are members of AFYDAD, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of Sporting Goods.
This company has received a 50% co-financed aid from the European Regional Development Fund through the 2014-2020 FEDER Operational Program of Navarra
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Copyright © 2025 Amaya Sport, SL
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada por el gobierno de Navarra y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo regional (40%) a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 2021-2027 de Navarra
Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2020 de ayudas a proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo I+D 2020.
Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2019 de ayudas a la inversión en pymes industriales.
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda del Gobierno de Navarra en virtud de la convocatoria de 2021 de “Fomento de la Empresa Digital de Navarra".Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2022 de ayudas a la inversión en pymes industriales.