Embark on an adventure of colossal fun with our Giga Blocks! These giant building blocks are designed to inspire creativity and... Embark on an adventure of colossal...
3D Construction creative toy, easy to assembly. Develop imagination and creativity of children. 3D Construction creative toy, easy to...
Educational game based on the construction of a tree. Mix the different branchs in a funny way, stimulating creativity and fine motor... Educational game based on the...
Educational game based on the construction of a tree. Mix the different branchs in a funny way, stimulating creativity and fine motor... Educational game based on the...
Educational game based on the construction of a flowers garden. Mix de different pieces on a funny way, stimulating the imagination,... Educational game based on the...
Is a fun “shape building” set utilizing embedded magnets that immerses childrend (and creative adults” into carfting 2D and 3D Is a fun “shape building” set...
Innovative magnetic block set that containing different shapes & colors. The blocks attract each other by patent technology designed... Innovative magnetic block set that...
Construction Plastic Pipe Building Blocks Designer For Children DIY Educational Game Construction Plastic Pipe Building...
3D construction game to develop creativity and imagination. 160 pieces 3D construction game to develop...
Game of gears to build three-dimensional structures with movement and chain reactions. Connectable parts with gear and movement. 340... Game of gears to build...
Joinable-flexible connectable pieces to join together and form figures in 2D and 3D. 320 Pieces Joinable-flexible connectable pieces...
Colorful eggs numbered inside. For colour recognition games, fine motricity, maths and clasification. Set with 12 eggs + eggbox Colorful eggs numbered inside. For...
Experience the creation of different geometric figures with the helpof triangles and squares. Feel the power of magnetism and... Experience the creation of different...
Magbars: The innovative magnetic toy that gives children a fun way to explore shapes and create endless building possibilities. Magbars: The innovative magnetic toy...
A creative game of construction, easy to handle A creative game of construction, easy...
Mini Architecture. Set of 193 pieces. Product for over 6 years. Mini Architecture. Set of 193...
Flat architecture. Set 58 pieces. Flat architecture. Set 58 pieces.
Set Of Construction Blocks .38 Blocks. Set Of Construction Blocks .38 Blocks.
Universal Brick 31 X 15 X 10 Cm. Universal Brick 31 X 15 X 10 Cm.
Succker To Fix Bricks Succker To Fix Bricks
Construction game including 30 pieces in different shapes and colors. Construction game including 30 pieces...
Made in a single super resistant piece. You can catch them, throw them, step on them, etc., without fear of breaking them. For all ages.... Made in a single super resistant...
Made in a single super resistant piece. You can catch them, throw them, step on them, etc., without fear of breaking them. For all ages.... Made in a single super resistant...
Geometric shapes made of translucent plastic, designed to offer children an immersive and enriching learning experience. Geometric shapes made of translucent...
Promotes skills in counting, sorting, addition, subtraction, place value, measurement and patterning. Explores geometric concepts... Promotes skills in counting, sorting,...
Variety of stackable dolls of different colors and shapes, along with bases designed to hold them securely. Variety of stackable dolls of...
Game for the creation of 2D and 3D shapes. Helps to learn various concepts such as symmetry, proportions and spatial vision. Game for the creation of 2D and 3D...
Construction set composed of pieces of 3 different sizes. You can explore how trees grow and how certain types of order arise in nature. Construction set composed of pieces...
Magnetic construction game for creating 2D and 3D shapes. Magnetic pieces made of Polystyrene in various shapes, colors and measurements. Magnetic construction game for...
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Copyright © 2025 Amaya Sport, SL
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada por el gobierno de Navarra y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo regional (40%) a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 2021-2027 de Navarra
Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2020 de ayudas a proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo I+D 2020.
Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2019 de ayudas a la inversión en pymes industriales.
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda del Gobierno de Navarra en virtud de la convocatoria de 2021 de “Fomento de la Empresa Digital de Navarra".Esta empresa ha recibido una subvención del Gobierno de Navarra al amparo de la convocatoria de 2022 de ayudas a la inversión en pymes industriales.